NIN Live: 1994

September 03, 1994, Chicago, IL, UIC Pavilion

Mr. Self Destruct
March of the Pigs
Gave Up
Happiness in Slavery
The Downward Spiral
Down In It
Head Like a Hole
Dead Souls

Show Memorabilia

09/03/1994 ticket

Known Recordings

Source 1: Audio - AUD (Sonic Studios DSM-3 + Sony TCD-D3 LP Mode)
Time: 94 minutes
Rating: 4.5 out of 5
Hear a Sample: Sin, 2 Minutes
Download the Full Show: .Zip File FLAC, 509 MB
Added to Archive: July 23rd, 2023
This is one of Fuzzmonster's uncirculated DAT recordings. I was fortunate enough to transfer all of their 1994-1995 DAT masters in July of 2023 after over 15 years of searching on who recorded some of these very epic quality tapes from The Downward Spiral Tour. Previous copies of their tapes were riddled with problems, either from the dubbing process from the master DAT or the subsequent copies to other media by other collectors. Now having the master DATs in hand, working on them, these are the best versions you will get of every tape. Found out that every show was recorded in LP mode with Sonic Studios DSM-3 mics that were plugged in to a TCD-D3 DAT using plugin power . Going through the tapes, I did not know that Fuzz recorded this one. This is actually the first source to show up from this date! This tape is pretty amazing. The vocals definitely have some shriek to them. But the music is ridiculously clear. The performance itself has a few hiccups, and by the sounds of it, Trent takes it out on a lot of the equipment. Dead Souls at the beginning is about 2-3 minutes of the initial loop of the song while they try and fix something on stage. Fantastic to have such quality on the archive. You can listen to more of fuzzmonster's recordings here.